United Church of God


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Total results: 43437.
Italy 2015
Il sistema umano, oggi guidato da Satana, ci costringe ad una vita difficile. Seguendo i consigli della Sacra Scrittura possiamo avere un migliore controllo della nostra vita.
Italy 2015
I sermoni enunciati alla festa sono ispirati da Dio e sono enunciati per nutrire i fratelli di cibo spirituale tutti i gioni della nostra vita.
Italy 2015
Viviamo in una realtà vera oppure creata d hoc? Ecco come scovare le trappole dell'uccellatore (il diavolo)! Cosa hanno in comune un cacciatore, un domatore di leoni, un capitano di una nave ed ognuno di noi? Il medesimo dubbio di Asaf,...
Italy 2015
In pratica ogni giorno dobbiamo scegliere se combattere contro il pensiero del mondo o condivederlo e soccombere. Non combattiamo fisicamente contro le vie dell'uomo carnale, ma il nostro pensiero e la nostra condotta devono testimoniare...
by Carmelo Anastasi
Italy 2015
Questo sermone fornisce prove scritturali del significato dell'ottavo giorno seguente alla Festa dei Tabernacoli. Inoltre, spiega inoltre che i morti non sono mai andati in cielo e che il giudizio di Dio sui vivi e sui morti deve ancora...
Italy 2015
Un vero cristiano deve già sentirsi arrivato o dobbiamo ancora migliorarci? Questo sermone mostra qual è la giusta attitudine per assomigliare sempre di più a Gesù Cristo.
Good News
by David Hulme
More and more scholars are re-examining the widely-held disregard for God's law.

A chocolaty rich dessert with a healthy twist.

United News
United News
This year, 14 men were invited to attend pastoral training classes at the home office. The first session runs from Jan. 3 to 10. They will also return in March and May to complete the six-week program.
This year, 14 men were invited to attend pastoral training classes at the home office. The first session runs from Jan. 3 to 10. They will also return in March and May to complete the six-week program. Of the 14, seven are from...
United News
Ruth Root
For some advertising campaigns we are paying only for the responses we receive and not the actual advertising.
Not only has God led the Church in Australia to walk through some new doors enabling us to reach every mailbox in Australia at least once in the first seven months of this financial year, but we have been able, in some cases, to...
United News
We can experience the power of God in us when we stir up His Spirit and center our thoughts and actions to accomplish His work.
From Ministerial and Member Services . . . Give Thought To Your Ways When God says it once, it’s important. But when He speaks it more than once, it has to be significant. We find an example of that in the book of...
United News
Moïse Elisée Mabout
From July 10 to July 17, 2011, the United Church of God held a United Youth Camp in Cameroon.
From July 10 to July 17, 2011, the United Church of God held a United Youth Camp in Cameroon. It was the second time for such a youth camp to take place in French-speaking Africa. The activities started on Sunday with a Bible study on...
United News
We must have that “mind to work” as we fulfill God’s plan.
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, Lately, Nehemiah has been on my mind as we continue our weekly Bible studies. God led Nehemiah back to Jerusalem to repair the damaged wall and the burned...
United News
God greatly blessed the brethren attending the Feast in Sabaudia, Italy!
It was a difficult and painful start as we found out just prior to the Feast that the longtime minister of God for more than 40 years, faithful brother in Christ and director of the Feast in Sabaudia, Carmelo Anastasi (along with his...
The Throne of Britain
by United Church of God
Besides what we’ve already seen, there are other corroborating factors connecting the line of David with Ireland.
by William Bradford
Beloit, WI
As we come out of COVID, how can we grow closer, not only as a congregation, but as a Church? This message explores three points that help us to grow together into the body of Christ.
United News
Let’s all pray for one another, even more so as “the Day approaches.”
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, Earlier this week my wife, Deborah, and I returned to Cincinnati after a very inspiring, productive and rewarding trip abroad. Last week you heard about...
by Jack Demirgian
Chicago, IL
We examine ourselves to grow spiritually. That examination does not involve checking some checklist. It involves actively seeking for growth areas.
